๐Ÿช Webhooks

How to set up marketplace webhooks.

Webhooks allow you to subscribe to events from Coinflow about when a seller has registered their account.


Submerchant Webhooks

  1. Navigate to your marketplace dashboard
  1. Copy your Webhook Validation Key.


Keep this Validation Key secret, but if it gets leaked you can easily regenerate it.

  1. Select Version 2

  1. Select the event types to listen to.
  • For seller registration events, select:

    • Sub-Merchant KYB Created, Sub-Merchant KYB Success, Sub-Merchant KYB Failure

  1. Enter a URL route to your server endpoint
  1. In your server, create a route that accepts a POST request on that url and route


Ensure that the Authorization header in this request matches your Validation Key to verify its origin as Coinflow.

router.post('/submerchant-webhook', async (req, res) => {  
	try {
    const {data} = req.body;
    const {merchantId} = data;
    console.log(`Merchant KYB: ${merchantId}`);
    const authHeader = req.get('Authorization');
    // Authorize using your validation key
    if (authHeader !== process.env.COINFLOW_VALIDATION_KEY)
      throw new ControllerError('User not allowed', 401);
    else handleEvent() // react to event
  } catch (e) {  
    handleError(res, e);  


Webhooks will retry until your server returns a 200 response code

or until it times out after 36 hours. Webhooks will also time out after 5 seconds without a response and will retry, so make sure your server responds within 5 seconds.

  1. The webhooks will contain the following data:
  eventType: string,
  category: 'Sub-merchant KYB Created' || 'Sub-merchant KYB Success' || 'Sub-merchant KYB Failure',
  data: {
  	merchantId: string,
  	email: string,
  1. Done! Try listening to different event types by subscribing to the different options below

Event Types

Event TypeDescription
Sub-merchant KYB CreatedKYB information was submitted for the sub-merchant and is awaiting processing
Sub-merchant KYB SuccessThe sub-merchant's KYB application has been approved
Sub-merchant KYB FailureThe sub-merchant's KYB application did not pass (and probably needs additional information)