⚛️ React Environment Properties
Environmental settings that determine how the withdrawal process functions
Property | Required | Description |
wallet | Y | Set the Solana wallet adapter |
blockchain | Y | The blockchain for the withdrawal (solana) |
merchantId | Y | The merchant identifier - the source of the withdraw (Contact Coinflow support for this) |
connection | Y | The Solana connection |
env | N | The environment - defaults to prod , for testing set it to staging |
onSuccess | N | Specify a function to run when the withdrawal process succeeds |
lockAmount | N | By default, the user is allowed to select the amount to withdraw, setting to true disables the input |
amount | N/Y | The amount of the withdrawal - only required if lockAmount=true |
tokens | N | Define the list of available tokens - the UI will only show items from this list |
lockDefaultToken | N | Defaults to false but when true , the UI will not allow the token to be changed from the default (for example, USDC) |
N | Set the default email to use in email entry fields | |
bankAccountLinkRedirect | N | The URL to use for bank account setup instead of the default |
supportsVersionedTransactions | N | Instruct the system that you support versioned transactions |
additionalWallets | N | Define additional wallets beyond the active wallet to associate with the user (see usage pattern below) |
import {useWallet} from '@solana/wallet-adapter-react';
const wallet = useWallet();
const connection = useConnection();
<CoinflowWithdraw wallet={wallet} merchantId='<YOUR MERCHANT ID>' env='prod|sandbox|staging' connection={connection} />;
Additional Wallets
const additionalWallets = [
wallet: '1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111',
blockchain: 'solana'
Updated 8 months ago