💸 Withdraw

Crypto offramp with 24/7/365 settlement

Coinflow withdraw enables your platform to pay out user's balances, instantly! Making it easy to turn crypto into fiat payouts helps you pay out your customers faster, encouraging their return in the future. Best of all, you can use Coinflow payouts with your existing integration and avoid managing crypto wallets yourself: your platform’s funds remain in fiat and Coinflow handles converting funds to USDC or EUROe and paying out in fiat.

Coinflow’s payout product is connected to the U.S. and Euro Real-Time-Payments networks, so your users can withdraw their balance right to their fiat bank, instantly, 24/7/365.


This demo site uses real KYC information and real money

It is purely to show off the capabilities of the Coinflow Prebuilt UI

Pre-built UIs

Guides for integrating our pre-built UI can be found here on our integration builder.

Coinflow offers a suite of embeddable, pre-built UIs to help you quickly and securely integrate common checkout and off-ramp workflows into your application. These pre-built UIs are fully customizable to your application's look and feel. Additionally, all of our UIs are built with security in mind and are fully PCI-compliant. Using our UIs allows your team to focus on your product instead of wasting time on compliance and security.


For our Enterprise customers, Coinflow also provides a powerful API so your team can build their own custom withdraw flows and UIs into any application and platform.

How it works - USDC

  1. Go to one of the example apps:
  2. Enter your first and last name.
  3. Enter any US address.
  4. Enter an email address
  5. Enter any birthday.
  6. Enter 4 random SSN digits (Try to randomize these as using 1234 or 1111 might cause errors).
  7. Connect your bank account.
    1. Click Connect my bank account.
    2. Click Any bank account, enter user_good and pass_good, and click Continue. If prompted for text message code, enter "1234".
  8. Get USDC from the Coinflow Provided Faucet!
  9. Enter the amount you want to withdraw and click Withdraw, and then approve the transaction in your wallet.

How it works - EUROe

  1. Go to one of the example apps:
  2. Enter your first and last name.
  3. Enter any Euro address.
  4. Enter an email address
  5. Complete the identification steps.
    1. Confirm country
    2. Select form of identity confirmation
    3. Scan or upload image
  6. Connect your bank account.
    1. Enter the IBAN for your account
    2. Add an alias for you account (optional)
  7. Get EUROe from the Coinflow Provided Faucet!
  8. Enter the amount you want to withdraw and click Withdraw, and then approve the transaction in your wallet.