
Learn how to test various outcomes while testing ACH payments.

ACH Payments

Coinflow provides a mock bank that can be used to fully test integration in our sandbox environment (no actual bank interaction occurs). The mock provider will accept any account numbers, routing numbers, names and addresses. The following amounts will trigger the defined results.

Test Amounts

11.11TotalBank account setup will fail - the account/routing numbers are in the negative accounts table
0.01SubtotalWill not get picked up for batching - will stay pending
1.11SubtotalOn system ACH update, will fail - the account/routing numbers are in the negative accounts table
2.22SubtotalOn system ACH update, will be marked as returned - insufficient funds
3.33SubtotalOn system ACH update, will be be marked as returned - invalid account number
4.44SubtotalOn system ACH update, will first be marked as batched. After 3 days will be marked as settled. The next ACH update after that, will be marked as a chargeback - stop pay on item
Any otherSubtotalOn system ACH update, will first be marked as batched. After 3 days will be marked as settled.

Test Bank Account Numbers


When connecting a bank account through plaid, you may use Plaid’s sandbox credentials as noted here.

Test Settling to a Bank Account

Merchants who are settling to a bank account can pass the below routing and account numbers on sandbox. Please ensure you change these values to reflect your actual bank settlement location on production.
