AVS (Address Verification Service)

About AVS

Address Verification System (AVS) Checks are security measures used during credit card transactions to verify the billing address provided by the customer against the address on file with the card issuer.

Why Are AVS Checks Necessary?

  1. Fraud Prevention:
  • AVS checks help reduce fraud by ensuring that the person making the purchase is the legitimate cardholder.
  1. Chargeback Reduction:
  • By verifying the address, merchants can minimize the risk of chargebacks due to unauthorized transactions.

Who Performs AVS Checks?

AVS checks are done by Coinflow's payment processors and card networks (e.g., Visa, Mastercard) during the transaction authorization process. Merchants have the ability to disable AVS checks on your account. If you'd like to disable AVS checks, contact the Coinflow team.

When Should I Disable AVS Checks?

  • International Transactions: AVS checks are less effective for international transactions, where address formats differ, so merchants might disable AVS to avoid unnecessary declines.
  • Customer Experience: In some cases, AVS checks may decline legitimate transactions if there's a slight mismatch in the billing address, leading to customer frustration.


Disabling AVS checks can increase the risk of fraud but may be needed to improve transaction approval rates in specific situations.

Consult with the Coinflow team before requesting to turn off AVS checks.